Services & Parts

For immediate service assistance, please contact us as follows:

Station Power Products

Doug Byers 416 291-3723 ex 22 365 275-2268 Mobile

Motive Power Chargers

Doug Byers 416 291-3723 ex 22 365 275-2268 Mobile

Parts & QA

Dave Smith 416 291-3723 ex 31

On-site, user diagnoses and solutions to 90% of service calls are a proud Staticon achievement.

Station Power
20 Years of Service
Parts and services are available for all station power products up to 20 years old.

Motive Power
10 Years of Service
Parts and services are available for all motive power products up to 10 years old.

Expeditious post-sales service is available for all equipment manufactured by Staticon, new and old.

Spare repair and replacement subassemblies / components are stocked or available in a reasonable time.

Our technicians fulfill consultation, commissioning, testing and repair requirements.

All Staticon products feature complete access to product components for total serviceability.

Installed Staticon products with spare components on-site have a typical mean time to repair (MTTR) of 1 hour.

Modular product designs provide the following advantages and equipment attributes:

  • Integration of technological improvements without major design changes;
  • Optimum utilization of planned, in-house series of substitute components;
  • High equipment reliability (MTBF) and short repair times (MTTR);
  • Optimum utilization of field replaceable, factory set electronic modules.

Adherence to the following guidelines results in on-site solutions to over 90% of problems:

  • Maintain a stock of essential spare modules and components on-site;
  • Install, connect, operate and service equipment in accordance with manuals;
  • Return faulty modules / components to Staticon with notes as to their identity and fault;
  • Consult a Staticon service representative for guidance when not sure of a problem.

Staticon Commissioning Services

It is highly recommended to purchase Staticon commissioning services if installers are not versed in power equipment installation or operation.

Commissioning includes a check of all electrical connections, battery state of charge and environmental conditions followed by initial energization of equipment and fine-tuning of controls.

Any necessary corrective measures regarding installation and connection are initiated.